Safe and relaxed through the autumn with the e-bike

Mit dem E-Bike sicher und entspannt durch den Herbst

Now it's here - autumn. With it comes rain, cold and darkness. With the right tips, you don't have to give up cycling. Simply.Bike shows you what you should look out for in bad weather.

  1. Adapt your driving style to the conditions

This is of course generally true, but we should be even more mindful of it when the weather changes. Just plan a little more time for your journeys so that you don't have to rush. Play it safe and avoid speeding over drain covers or through sharp bends - there is an increased risk of slipping when it rains.

  1. The right rainwear

As our parents always said: "There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing" - so you should at least have a rain jacket or poncho with you. With the right clothes, cycling in the rain can actually be very pleasant - especially when you're passing cars stuck in traffic. You'll probably have to experiment a bit to find out what works best, but our top recommendation is a hood with a peak that keeps the rain off your face under your helmet. Other must-haves are waterproof, breathable rain pants and overshoes to keep your feet warm and dry. All of your things will also stay nice and dry in our waterproof panniers . In addition, especially in autumn, it is important to use bright colors as much as possible or to draw attention to yourself with other eye-catchers such as our LED backpack or LED bike helmet . You can find a test report on the LED backpack here .

  1. Maintain your electric bike

Riding in the rain is of course no problem with an e-bike, as long as the cover cap of the battery connection is properly closed. Don't forget to regularly rinse your Pedelec with cold water in bad weather. Make sure that no dirt remains on the carbon belt.

If you follow these tips, the rain will definitely not bother you anymore. Drive carefully and arrive safely!

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